A framework for microbiome science in public health.

Author(s): Wilkinson JE, Franzosa EA, Everett C, Li C, HCMPH researchers and trainees., HCMPH investigators., Hu FB, Wirth DF, Song M, Chan AT, Rimm E, Garrett WS, Huttenhower CJournal: Nat MedPMID: 33820996 April 2021
Human microbiome science has advanced rapidly and reached a scale at which basic biology, clinical translation and population health are…

Persistence of Plasmodium falciparum parasitemia after artemisinin combination therapy: evidence from a randomized trial in Uganda.

Author(s): Chang HH, Meibalan E, Zelin J, Daniels R, Eziefula AC, Meyer EC, Tadesse F, Grignard L, Joice RC, Drakeley C, Wirth DF, Volkman SK, Buckee C, Bousema T, Marti MJournal: Sci RepPMID: 27197604 May 2016
Artemisinin resistance is rapidly spreading in Southeast Asia. The efficacy of artemisinin-combination therapy (ACT) continues to be excellent across Africa.…

Immune characterization of Plasmodium falciparum parasites with a shared genetic signature in a region of decreasing transmission.

Author(s): Bei AK, Diouf A, Miura K, Larremore DB, Ribacke U, Tullo G, Moss EL, Neafsey DE, Daniels RF, Zeituni AE, Nosamiefan I, Volkman SK, Ahouidi AD, Ndiaye D, Dieye T, Mboup S, Buckee CO, Long CA, Wirth DFJournal: Infect ImmunPMID: 25368109 January 2015
As the intensity of malaria transmission has declined, Plasmodium falciparum parasite populations have displayed decreased clonal diversity resulting from the…