Author(s): Palace SG, Reyes JA, Neubauer Vickers E, Aatresh AV, Shen W, Iqbal Z, Grad YH|Journal: medRxiv|PMID:39252917| August 2024
Doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis (doxy-PEP) for sexually transmitted bacterial infections reduces the risk of syphilis and chlamydia, but effectiveness against gonorrhea…
Author(s): Palace SG, Fryling KE, Li Y, Wentworth AJ, Traverso G, Grad YH|Journal: J Antimicrob Chemother|PMID:34245280| July 2021
Novel therapeutic strategies are urgently needed for Neisseria gonorrhoeae, given its increasing antimicrobial resistance. Treatment of oropharyngeal N. gonorrhoeae infections…
Author(s): Palace SG, Wang Y, Rubin DH, Welsh MA, Mortimer TD, Cole K, Eyre DW, Walker S, Grad YH|Journal: Elife|PMID:32011233| February 2020
Increasing resistance to ceftriaxone, the last antibiotic recommended for empiric gonorrhea treatment, poses an urgent public health threat. However, the…