Causal Estimands for Infectious Disease Count Outcomes to Investigate the Public Health Impact of Interventions Author(s): Jia KM, Boyer CB, Wallinga J, Lipsitch M|Journal: medRxiv| July 2024 Causal estimands of infectious disease interventions—direct, indirect, overall, and total effects— are conventionally defined as differences in individual risk under…
Geographic Targeting of COVID-19 Testing to Maximize Detection in Los Angeles County. Author(s): Jia KM, Kahn R, Fisher R, Balter S, Lipsitch M|Journal: Open Forum Infect Dis|PMID: 37469616| June 2023 Many severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infections have not been detected, reported, or isolated. For community testing programs to…
Estimated preventable COVID-19-associated deaths due to non-vaccination in the United States. Author(s): Jia KM, Hanage WP, Lipsitch M, Johnson AG, Amin AB, Ali AR, Scobie HM, Swerdlow DL|Journal: Eur J Epidemiol|PMID: 37093505| April 2023 While some studies have previously estimated lives saved by COVID-19 vaccination, we estimate how many deaths could have been averted…