Identifying climate drivers of infectious disease dynamics: recent advances and challenges ahead. Author(s): Metcalf CJE, Walter KS, Wesolowski A, Buckee CO, Shevliakova E, Tatem AJ, Boos WR, Weinberger DM, Pitzer VE|Journal: Proc Biol Sci|PMID: 28814655| August 2017 Climate change is likely to profoundly modulate the burden of infectious diseases. However, attributing health impacts to a changing climate…
Modelling seasonal variations in the age and incidence of Kawasaki disease to explore possible infectious aetiologies. Author(s): Pitzer VE, Burgner D, Viboud C, Simonsen L, Andreasen V, Steiner CA, Lipsitch M|Journal: Proc Biol Sci|PMID: 22398170| July 2012 The average age of infection is expected to vary during seasonal epidemics in a way that is predictable from the…
Long-term evolution of antigen repertoires among carried meningococci. Author(s): Buckee CO, Gupta S, Kriz P, Maiden MC, Jolley KA|Journal: Proc Biol Sci|PMID: 20129981| June 2010 Most studies of bacterial pathogen populations have been based on isolates collected from individuals with disease, or their contacts, over…