Author(s): MacFadden DR, Melano RG, Coburn B, Tijet N, Hanage WP, Daneman N|Journal: J Clin Microbiol|PMID:30894438| May 2019
Rapid diagnostic tests of antibiotic resistance are increasingly being developed that identify the presence or absence of antibiotic resistance genes/loci.…
Author(s): Andam CP, Mitchell PK, Callendrello A, Chang Q, Corander J, Chaguza C, McGee L, Beall BW, Hanage WP|Journal: J Clin Microbiol|PMID:28100596| April 2017
Conjugate vaccination against seven pneumococcal serotypes (PCV7) reduced disease prevalence due to antibiotic-resistant strains throughout the 2000s. However, diseases caused…