Choices in vaccine trial design in epidemics of emerging infections. Author(s): Kahn R, Rid A, Smith PG, Eyal N, Lipsitch M|Journal: PLoS Med|PMID: 30086139| August 2018 In a Policy Forum, Marc Lipsitch and colleagues discuss trial design issues in infectious disease outbreaks.
Vaccine testing for emerging infections: the case for individual randomisation. Author(s): Eyal N, Lipsitch M|Journal: J Med Ethics|PMID: 28396558| September 2017 During the 2014-2015 Ebola outbreak in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, many opposed the use of individually randomised controlled trials…
Improving vaccine trials in infectious disease emergencies. Author(s): Lipsitch M, Eyal N|Journal: Science|PMID: 28706038| July 2017 Unprecedented global effort is under way to facilitate the testing of countermeasures in infectious disease emergencies. Better understanding of the…
Vaccine testing. Ebola and beyond. Author(s): Lipsitch M, Eyal N, Halloran ME, Hernán MA, Longini IM, Perencevich EN, Grais RF|Journal: Science|PMID: 25838371| April 2015