Weak Epistasis May Drive Adaptation in Recombining Bacteria.

Author(s): Arnold BJ, Gutmann MU, Grad YH, Sheppard SK, Corander J, Lipsitch M, Hanage WPJournal: GeneticsPMID: 29330348 March 2018
The impact of epistasis on the evolution of multi-locus traits depends on recombination. While sexually reproducing eukaryotes recombine so frequently…

Simulations for designing and interpreting intervention trials in infectious diseases.

Author(s): Halloran ME, Auranen K, Baird S, Basta NE, Bellan SE, Brookmeyer R, Cooper BS, DeGruttola V, Hughes JP, Lessler J, Lofgren ET, Longini IM, Onnela JP, Özler B, Seage GR, Smith TA, Vespignani A, Vynnycky E, Lipsitch MJournal: BMC MedPMID: 29287587 December 2017
Interventions in infectious diseases can have both direct effects on individuals who receive the intervention as well as indirect effects…