Photo of Christopher Boyer

Christopher Boyer

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics (CCDD)

Christopher Boyer is a postdoctoral research fellow in Marc Lipsitch’s lab at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. With Marc he is modeling the viral kinetics of SARS-CoV-2 by combining data from serological and virological assays. He is also interested in applying modern causal methods to the study of infectious disease. His previous research spans several topics in epidemiology and the social sciences. He received a PhD in Epidemiology and an S.M. in Biostatistics from Harvard in 2023. Prior to that he worked at Innovations for Poverty Action, where he designed and ran large scale randomized controlled trials of public health interventions. He holds an MPH in Epidemiology from Columbia University and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Wright State University.