Ruchita is a PhD student in Population Health Sciences concentrating in infectious disease epidemiology, advised by Dr. Bill Hanage. She graduated from Princeton University in 2019 with a degree in Molecular Biology and minors in Engineering Biology and Global Health and Health Policy, and additionally received an MPhil in Veterinary Sciences from the University of Cambridge in 2021. Prior to coming to Harvard, she was awarded a Fulbright-Nehru Student Research…
Sarah Baum
Sarah is a PhD student in the Population Health Sciences program, advised by Dr. Nick Menzies. Her research is at the intersection of health economics and infectious disease epidemiology, with a focus on the role of human behavior in disease prevention, detection, and transmission. She combines economic theory, causal inference methods, and mathematical modeling to study how beliefs about disease risk influence individual and provider decision-making, specifically around diagnostic testing, antibiotic…
Katherine Budeski
Katherine Budeski is a Population Health Sciences PhD student concentrating in infectious disease epidemiology advised by Dr. Marc Lipsitch. Before coming to Harvard University, Budeski received a Master of Science in Modeling for Global Health from the University of Oxford and a Master of Management Science in Global Affairs from Tsinghua University as a Schwarzman Scholar. Previously, Budeski worked in Washington, DC for several years addressing the risks posed by…
Léa Cavalli
Léa is a 3rd year PhD student in Population Health Sciences focusing on Infectious Disease Epidemiology, advised by Dr. William Hanage. Prior to coming to CCDD, she graduated from an integrated Masters in Genetics at University College London (UCL), where she studied a mix of Genetics, Evolution and Computational Biology. She is interested in using genomic tools to study the evolution and transmission of pathogens within and across Human populations.
Leonardo Clemente
Leonardo Clemente is a Research Scientist and Data Infrastructure Manager at MIGHTE. Leo studied Physics Engineering where he worked with experimental optics and quantum mechanics. Leo pursued a Master’s degree in Computer Science where he worked in Digital Epidemiology. He did research predicting diseases and their challenges in Latin America. Leonardo joined the MIGHTE Lab in 2017 where he mainly focuses on event prediction tasks such as epidemic outbreaks from different…
Siva Emani
I am a fourth year medical student with an interest in quantitative approaches to innovation in global health. My work at CCDD focuses on developing models for the tuberculosis care in Brazil to inform cost-effective public health intervention strategies.
Raul Garrido
Raúl is a second-year Physics PhD student working with Professor Mauricio Santillana. He is interested in the application of physics and mathematical modeling in the study of epidemics and human behavior. Prior to joining NetSI, he received a B.S. in Physics and a minor in Applied Mathematics from Purdue University Northwest.
Indra Gonzalez Ojeda
I did my Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, where I fell in love with applying quantitative frameworks to biological systems. This led me to start a PhD in Biophysics here at Harvard, with a special interest in microbial evolution and genomics. Outside of science, my hobbies include going outside to enjoy the warmth (when it exists) and complaining about the cold (when the warmth…
Katherine Jia
Katherine is a PhD student in Population Health Sciences concentrating in infectious disease epidemiology. Her research interests are in quantifying impacts of infectious disease interventions and inferring epidemic intensity using wastewater data. Prior to coming to CCDD, she was trained in epidemiology in Hong Kong, and worked as a research assistant at Imperial College London.
Yuli Lily Hsieh
Lily Hsieh is a PhD student in Health Policy, studying Health Decision Sciences. Her research focuses on using causal inference methods, disease simulation modelling, and cost-effectiveness analysis to evaluate disease screening programs. Lily holds a BSc in Pharmacology from the University of British Columbia and she received her MPH in Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases from the Yale School of Public Health.