Headshot of Ilan Rubin

Ilan Rubin

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics (CCDD)

Ilan Rubin is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health interested in how evolution affects epidemiological dynamics. After graduating with a BA in Computational Biology from Cornell University, he worked in epidemiological and disaster response modeling at Gryphon Scientific. He then worked at Georgia Tech modeling Ebola transmission dynamics and mitigation efforts. He received his PhD from University of British Columbia in Zoology, using mathematical models to study how diversity evolves and is maintained in ecological communities. At the CCDD, he focuses on modeling the evolution of infectious diseases, including the epidemiology of successive disease variants and the evolution of viruses in response to vaccination efforts.