Xueting Qiu

Genomic Data Specialist Chicago Department of Public Health
Research Associate, Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics, Department of Epidemiology

(Former Bio) Xueting Qiu was a research associate under the mentorship of Drs. Marc Lipsitch and Bill Hanage in the Department of Epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Her research at CCDD focused on understanding the molecular evolution of Streptococcus Pneumoniae and identifying critical genes/loci under selection that shape the pathogen populations. This work can provide a better understanding of evolutionary trajectories of different genes and…

Talia Quandelacy

Assistant Professor, Colorado School of Public Health
CCDD ScM2-Student, 2011-2013

(Former Bio) Talia is a PhD student in the Department of Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Her research focuses on understanding micro-scale transmission and immuno-dynamics of influenza in the US and southeast China, co-advised by Drs. Derek Cummings at the University of Florida and Justin Lessler at Hopkins. She is a member of the University of Florida and John Hopkins Infectious Disease Dynamics research groups. Click here for more…

Paul Reeping

Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Davis

(Former Bio) Paul Reeping is a first year doctoral student at Columbia University. He received his M.S. from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in the spring of 2017. He grew up in Pittsburgh where he also attended the University of Pittsburgh where he studied microbiology. After college, he became a teacher through Teach for America and taught environmental science to 10th graders on the South Side of Chicago…

Madikay Senghore

Research Associate
Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics (CCDD)

(Former Bio) Madikay Senghore, PhD, is a research associate working in the Hanage lab. His work will further study the role of accessory genome variation in the fitness of pneumococcal clones. He will work closely with Dr. Hanage to develop a model for reconstructing chains of transmission in an experimental mouse model using deep sequencing. Madikay is an award winning early career scientist who was awarded the 2018 Robert Austrian…

Rinat Sergeev

Principal Data Scientist at Lab45 and Topcoder
CCDD Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2010-2011

(Former Bio) Rinat received his PhD in Physics of Semiconductors in Ioffe Institute, Saint Petersburg. Following his innate curiosity, he pursued challenges in a variety of academic fields, from Quantum-Mechanical Processes to Immunology and Epidemiology. His research interests include conceptual analysis, analytical approaches and models in multiple areas. Currently, Rinat is a growing specialist of machine-learning algorithms and algorithmic challenges. His personal interests include Math puzzles, strategic games and politics.…

Aimee Taylor

Research Associate
Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics, Department of Epidemiology

(Former Bio) Aimee Taylor was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health working under the mentorship of Caroline Buckee. Aimee also has close ties with the Parasite and Vector Genomics group at the Broad institute, where she was previously based under the mentorship of Daniel Neafsey. Aimee received her PhD from the University of Oxford, joint between the Department of Statistics and the WorldWide…

Christine Tedijanto

Senior Research Scientist at Surgo Health
Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics, Department of Epidemiology

(Former Bio) Christine Tedijanto completed a PhD in the Population Health Sciences program, concentrating in Infectious Disease Epidemiology under Marc Lipsitch. Prior to her PhD studies, Christine studied computational biology and business as an undergraduate and worked as a management consultant.

Amy Wesolowski

Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
CCDD Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2014-2016

(Former Bio) Amy Wesolowski is an infectious disease epidemiologist.  Her research focuses on how we human behavior can impact the spatial spread of various infectious diseases with a particular focus on vector-borne and vaccine-preventable diseases.

Colin Worby

Computational Biologist, Broad Institute
CCDD Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2013-2016

(Former Bio) I am interested in the use of pathogen genomic data to investigate disease transmission dynamics. I am developing models to better understand within-host pathogen diversity, and integrating these into a framework to analyse between-host transmission. Click here for more information about Colin Worby.

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Siyang Xia

Computational Scientist Intellia Therapeutics, Inc.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics (CCDD)

(Former Bio) Siyang is broadly interested in the dynamics and evolution of the interactions between pathogens and human immune systems, and how vaccines could affect these interactions. In his Ph.D., Siyang studied the mosquito Aedes aegypti, a major disease vector for dengue and Zika virus. His dissertation examined the impacts of human activities on the mosquito’s evolution and the possibilities of using human-assisted evolution to reduce vector-borne diseases. Outside of…